When four female friends go on a retreat to a secluded lakeside cabin, they soon realise they’re not alone. Masked intruders try to take them hostage, but as they fight back, the friends get a taste for something more than the will to surv…
亚马逊影业击败威秀、派拉蒙、华纳等强劲竞争对手,拿下Casey McQuiston撰写的,将于5月14日上市的小说《红,白,皇家蓝》(Red White Royal Blue,暂译)的电影改编权。Berlanti影业负责制作,Ted Malawer负责改编剧本。而究竟是怎样的故事引来如此多的好莱坞片方竞相争夺呢?小说是一出浪漫喜剧,描绘了美国女总统艾伦的儿子埃里克斯因为一次国…