In the four-part series, a fire tears through a holiday home in a scenic Lancashire lake town. Detective Ember Manning must work out how it connects to a podcast journalist investigating a missing persons cold case and an illicit ‘love’ triangle between a man in his twenties and two underage girls. But as Ember gets c…
诺埃尔-菲尔丁(Noel Fielding)饰演迪克-特平(Dick Turpin),他一直认为自己注定要干一番大事业,而不是在父亲的肉铺里切肉。他是对的。当他无意中成为埃塞克斯帮--一群臭名昭著的亡命之徒--的首领时,他意识到自己找到了自己的使命。当然,他可能是个爱好和平的素食主义者,相信潇洒胜过手枪,但他在硬派公路技能方面的不足,却可以用想象力…