  • 这是一个关于成长的故事。小鹿斑比来到了这个世界上,和其他好朋友一起无忧无虑生活在森林里。一天,他见到了鹿群的领袖,妈妈这时才告诉他,这就是他的父亲。鹿妈妈不久就牺牲在猎人的枪下,斑比只能和父亲相依为命了。转眼间,斑比长大了。到了恋爱的季节,他为了争夺一头母鹿的爱而和另一头公鹿进行了决斗,他大获全胜;秋天来临,森林燃起了…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>在所有的烂录象机的人缘好的人之后已经放出过去几数年,他们最后回去他们的根而且有点制造很美丽由于班级的触觉纱的一种不只有华丽她真的确实有那一个“女孩隔壁“有一点迷人的那用是纯度检验证明。
  • SHARED ROOMS explores the meaning of home and family through three interrelated stories of gay men finding connections during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day - a married couple who take in a teenage relative who was kicked out of his home after his parents discovered he was gay; a pair of roommates forced…
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>Carl encourages his hesitant hot-wife Julia to have sex with her friend Roberto. After she asks her girlfriend about hotwifing and finds out she has been doing it happily in front of husband, she goes for it.
  • 欺骗我
  • 爱上巴伐利亚风
  • 在合同杀手的地下世界里,错误是不能容忍的.当一个错误让她去执行一个不可靠的任务时,她会发现一个残酷的雇佣兵,一个冰冷的外表。被她的前导师Karlton“德让布朗”和他的精神病专家名册|她与一个神秘的陌生人和他的妹妹结成了不太可能的联盟,因为她与时间赛跑,以智慧战胜黑暗势力,夺取她的生命。
  • 英国画家弗朗西斯·培根在世界范围内享有盛名,人们对其画作的总体印象好像总是“可怕、痛苦和令人不安”。培根的阴暗面到底来自何处?经常见到有艺术评论家将他40年代的作品与战争联系到一起,那么是来源于战争吗?受访者们似乎都对此持有保留意见。本片从更本源的角度、从培根的个人经历进行挖掘,探寻父亲艾迪·培根以及他的诸多恋人对他创作…
  • A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming bu…
  • A murderous, flesh-eating undead young girl haunting the remote stretch of woods where she was murdered decades earlier, discovers a kidnapped and abused boy hiding in the trunk of one of her victim’s cars.