搜索 Ammon

  • 熊仔从小生长在人类家庭,在熊仔得知他是养子的秘密后,伤心的离家出走。熊仔离家后,来到「乡村小熊馆」寻访他最崇拜的70年代偶像乐团─「乡村熊俱乐部」合唱团,但没想到小熊馆积欠银行贷款,即将遭到拆除的命运!为了挽救小熊馆,熊仔灵机一动,想邀请「乡村熊俱乐部」举办演唱会来筹款,但这些团员因为早就解散,彼此意见不合,熊仔该如何让…
  • 本片题材具有强烈的社会意义,改编自约翰尼克尔斯的同名小说,描述新墨西哥州一个名叫乔的技工引入被当地一家土地开发公司所控制的水源来灌溉他那已乾枯的豆田,遭到非法使用的控告,因而引发了一连串乡民向不合理制度和企业强权抗争的冲突事件。本片题材具有强烈的社会意义,改编自约翰尼克尔斯的同名小说,描述新墨西哥州一个名叫乔的技工引入…
  • 哈里(杰米·谢尔丹 Jamey Sheridan 饰)是一名参加过越战的退伍老兵,如今,他成为了一名电工,和和气气,与人为善,大家都很喜欢他,但真正能够走进他心里的却寥寥无几。某日,哈里的老战友凯利(史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi 饰)致电哈里,他们已经快三十年没有见面了。 凯利身患重病即将不久于人世,他对于往事耿耿于怀充满愧疚,这关乎于…
  • The striking feature film debut of writer-director Alexandre Moors, BLUE CAPRICE is a harrowing yet restrained psychological thriller about an abandoned boy lured to America into the shadows of a dangerous father figure. Inspired by true events, BLUE CAPRICE investigates the notorious and horrific Beltway sniper attack…
  • St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins Dash and Antuan terrorize the streets and the citizens live without a shred of hope... until mysterious stranger Ryan Hong (Cung Le) arrives in town. He begins to play one gang against the other using his unparalleled mart…