当Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman几个主角还在非洲悠闲度日(从《马达加斯加:逃往非洲》后),四只企鹅(首领Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年轻的Private和最疯狂的Rico)已经回到了纽约中央动物园,并在此地执掌管理大权。与此同时他们还要执行各种秘密任务,时不时地他们就要从动物园逃出来执行任务。 正当这一队企鹅觉得自己已经运筹帷幄之际,新…
yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>After disrupting a meeting with a stuffy royal family, George accidentally trades places with the king's snooty monkey, Philippe. While Philippe puzzles Ted with his flawless manners, George travels to the castle where his fun-loving antics raise eyebrows and bring shy Princess Isabel out …