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  • 巴黎,1968年春季。虽然大多数学生率先参加五月的“革命”活动,但法国诗人的双胞胎儿子西奥(Theo)和女儿伊莎贝(Isabelle)在巴黎大宅中过着美好的生活。 当电影迷们见面时,他们会见面并“采用”谦虚,受过教育的加利福尼亚学生马修。 在父母离家一个月的情况下,他们将他拖入了各种感官的狂欢之中,失去了他的全部和最后的纯真。 一个性爱…
  • 在美国拳击界有三座大山:伊万德•霍利菲尔德,伯纳德•霍普金斯,迈克•泰森。他们的拳击之路热血沸腾而又充满艰辛,然而他们拳击场背后的生活却挑战着所谓的美国梦。拳击是穷人的运动,当生活无路可走时,他们才被迫成为“当代角斗士”。三位拳击界泰斗讲述着自己的拳击故事,然而拳击之路不仅仅是血性与荣耀,更多的是自我的挖掘与救赎,还折…
  • B级片,一个外科医生搞砸了对一个年轻人的手术,年轻人的女朋友伤心欲绝,就将男医生胁迫到自己的公寓,进行欺辱....
  • 时间是1970年,故事的主角是一只和人类拥有着百分之九十八以上相同基因的黑猩猩,科学家们亲切地称它为尼姆。刚刚出生,尼姆就和母亲分开了,因为他已经成为了一个有趣实验中的重要角色。 之后,尼姆被送入了一个位于曼哈顿的富有家庭之中,在那里,尼姆被善良的“父母”当做人类小孩一般抚养和教育,很快,聪明的尼姆就学会了手语,亦懂得了如…
  • Underage sex is one of the most taboo topics on screen. Indie Sex: Teens presents the history and role of teenage sex and sexuality on screen from Splendor in the Grass to Kids to Thirteen. The blockbuster teen films of the 80s and more contemporary teen flicks are all explored as mediums through which teen films have …
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>A film crew shoots a gory movie with realistic special effects. The gore looks real, because it is. The film director, an evil warlock, need a blood sacrifice to complete his pact with Satan. Who better than the film's scream queen? Who will survive the final cut.
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>Rose, a legacy witch, becomes a member of a local coven. Seductress Sharon uses her own powers to enter Roses' body and mind. She uses Rose unwillingly to steal people's souls. Her ultimate goal: resurrect Satan himself. Will Rose stop her sexy, evil rampage before it is too late?
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>The legendary Witchcraft series is back with all the blood, guts, sex and death. Satan Rose unleashes her fury in the form of a curse, led by a coven of sexy witches. In the battle to stop the Angel of Death, will white magic prove stronger than the forces of evil?
  • 新奥利良州市长因女儿当娜被凶徒杀害,暗地聘请退役警员美斯(大卫基尔饰)替其追查,追捕中,美斯认识了无辜而被嫌疑凶手的米殊(罗拔希斯饰),和替他掩饰身份的妓女莎华拉(白梅娜安迪逊饰),三人便携手合作,追捕凶徒。可是,二人被-奸狡警员处处陷害,令得他们险象环生。而在紧凑的追逐情节?,三人更擦出三角爱火,剧情因而演变为浪漫的…
  • 美容学校