When young, virginal Caroline learns of her mother's death in Paris, she travels to the City of Lights for the funeral. Sad and alone, Caroline wanders the exotic city in search of answers, finality, and peace of mind. But only misfortune is in stock, as Caroline is raped and robbed by a French thug. But seemingly comi…
《Bright Lights》长达95分钟,将带领观众走近费雪与母亲雷诺斯的日常生活,纪录了她们在2014年至2015年间的故事,从费雪开拍《星球大战:原力觉醒》直至雷诺斯去年荣获演员工会终身成就奖。同样年少成名的母女二人在好莱坞的浮华世界中生活了一辈子,曾经有过不合如今却比邻而居情似闺蜜,平日里斗嘴不断又相互照顾,镜头捕捉了她们生前令人感…