搜索 Brianna

  • 《黑夏》围绕灾难事件的幸存者们展开,为了到达一个军事疏散点,他们与僵尸展开激烈厮杀,甚至不惜彼此对抗。杰米·金饰演一位与女儿分离的母亲,她踏上痛苦挣扎的旅程,欲不惜一切代价找回女儿。她与一小群美国难民同行,必须勇敢面对充满敌意的新世界,并在这场发生在夏天的致命僵尸末日中做出残酷决定。卡尔·谢弗和约翰·海姆斯担任创剧人、…
  • 椋鸟女孩HD
    It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world she's ever known.
  • 血与雪HD
    Two scientists uncover a meteorite impact site in the Arctic tundra, but it kills one scientist and infects the other. A nearby base takes in the lone survivor whilst trying to understand what happened. The lone survivor may not be the person they think she is.
  • The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only safe hideout left to them. But well defended hideouts have a way of becoming prisons. And prisons aren't the safest place …
  • 多伦屯副村长有才,一直想让自己的女儿三丫嫁给在城里发了大财和女儿已定亲的二柱子,而三丫喜欢的人是一心致力于大棚养殖技术的初中同学栓子,有才觉得栓子没前途,各种阻挠俩人在一起。栓子被村民们联名举荐参与新任村长的选举,和有才竞争。为了不让栓子抢走自己村长的位置,有才和自己的跟班富贵策划了一出戏,阻挠栓子参加竞选。从城里回来…
  • 一个女孩名叫切尔西·莱恩,为了证明自己比话匣子女王冠军更强,她参加了今年的话匣子比赛。在这个过程中,她慢慢学习成长,最终成了心目中最棒的女孩。一个女孩名叫切尔西·莱恩,为了证明自己比话匣子女王冠军更强,她参加了今年的话匣子比赛。在这个过程中,她慢慢学习成长,最终成了心目中最棒的女孩。
  • 首部拉丁裔做主角的独立超级英雄电影要来了?华纳和DC正在开发一部超英新片《蓝甲虫》(Blue Beetle)。电影主角将是第三代蓝甲虫、墨西哥裔美国人海梅·雷耶斯。他生活在德州,捡到了一只蓝色圣甲虫,将其移植到自己的脊椎里,成为拥有外形盔甲、可以随意创造武器的超级英雄。蓝甲虫可以飞行,拥有增强的力量和耐力,能够翻译外星语言。《少年正…
  • 夏威夷冲浪女孩跟随下一代夏威夷本土女性冲浪者,因为他们在精英水平上竞争,以赢得世界职业冲浪巡回赛的梦寐以求的位置。这部四集的纪录片提供了五位最令人兴奋的年轻明星的幕后访问- Moana Jones Wong, Ewe Wong, Maluhia Kinimaka, Pua DeSoto和Brianna Cope -他们训练,处理家庭责任,并与世界上最高级的冲浪者竞争,以获得最高的领奖台。
  • 摩登原始人:石器时代大乱斗HD
  • 囊肿HD
    CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s last day turns into a battle for survival when the doctor’s machine inadvertently turns a patient’s tumour into a cyst-mon…