The morning after Trudy, a law school student, unsuspectingly steps into what she believes to be a "NetCar" black sedan, she wakes up confused and alone in a seedy motel-the victim of a roofie and sexual assault. Frustrated by the slow pace of the justice system, she takes matters into her own hands. Becoming…
德克斯特的实验室是cartoonnetwork工作室从1996年开始制作的卡通剧集。代表着美国电视动画复兴时代的开始。80年代美国动画和美国经济一起走向了低谷,以Hanna Barbera(制作猫和老鼠的那家公司)为首的老牌电视动画公司相继出现大规模的人才流失,动画的产出率快速下降,电视动画市场被“玩具动画”和日本的舶来品完全占据了。多年的黑暗时代之…