即使在21世纪的今日,社会中仍有许多人认为同性恋是一种疾病。美国当地以宗教和精神分析原则为基础,并以网络形式组织起来的 「矫正治疗」,目前正在加拿大和欧洲蔓延扩张。本片聚焦探讨五个西方国家,在此议题方面,照理说都是开明的民主国家,然而各种宗教运动却依然将同性恋视为必须不惜一切予以矫正的疾病。 本片深入这些宗教组织的核心…
A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
A feature documentary that explores the rise of a new Internet; decentralized, encrypted, dangerous and beyond the law.