柏林,夏季某日,罗拉和曼尼是一对20出头的年轻恋人。曼尼是个不务正业的小混混,有一天他惹出一个天大的麻烦,竟然把走私得来的10万马克赃款弄丢了!而且他的老大20分钟之后就要来拿回这笔钱。懦弱的曼尼只好向罗拉求救,一个错误的决定可能造成可怕的后果。就只有二十分钟,钱到底在哪里,如何救命? 罗拉开始快跑!罗拉快跑……为自己而跑,…
October 6, 1973. Arab states led by Egypt and Syria launched a surprise invasion and nearly overran Israel during the holiest day of the Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur. The story is told through the eyes of three characters, whose lives were thrown into the heart of battle and its intoxicating, addictive effects as well a…