搜索 Finger

  • Charles是一个成功的CEO,有一个漂亮的妻子和14岁的女儿。同时他和自己年轻貌美的女秘书还有婚外情。他的妻子Emily早就知情,却不愿意因此与Charles产生冲突。当Charles想与女秘书结束关系的时候,却遭到女秘书的起诉。当他的生活天翻地覆时,他才发现并不如 自己所想的自己才是掌控者…
  • 雷吉HD
    Reggie examines the career and legacy of Major League baseball Hall of Famer and activist Reggie Jackson.  Jackson sits down to recount his experiences breaking barriers within the MLB, starting in Birmingham at the height of the Civil Rig…
  • 绝对忠诚HD
    Former Colonel Fernandez is appointed Minister of the National Anti-Drug Agency (SENAD) and purges the special forces to fight the first of many battles against drug trafficking on the border of Paraguay and Argentina.
  •   23世纪中叶,地球已进入全面崩溃的阶段,战争和传染病让这颗原本美丽的蓝色星球破烂不堪,人类被迫离开赖以生存的家园,远赴外太空寻找新的栖息地。凭借TSA先进的技术,木卫五成为充满希望的新兴乐土。在此之后,大批地球人乘坐飞船前往木卫五,地球逐渐被人遗忘。               &n…
  • 噬魂怪物HD
    In a small Florida town, the inhabitants are mysteriously disappearing. A hard core biker arrives in search of his missing daughter. He learns that a malignant force from another dimension, a Souleater, is causing the disappearances. He teams up with a burned-out sheriff and a defrocked priest to battle the creature an…
  • 阿大性情耿直,阿细诡计多端,儿时经常作对。长大后阿大当了探长,阿细成了神偷。在一次打劫百货公司中阿细被抓,出狱后很多黑帮想与他合作,大奸商冯人约阿细欲偷巨钻"南海之星",但却不知其中有诈,最终在阿大、阿细的携手下,将这一阴谋揭露,并在交易时将冯等人抓获。