搜索 Giorgetti

  • 本片由三个短篇故事组成:年轻女孩和迷你猪住在一栋肮葬公寓裡,她真的只有一个人吗?又聋又哑的夫妇被一群小混混攻击,不过他们受到一只神秘护身符的保护;一个男子在性爱夜店裡迷失,有人告诉他只要服下由「风茄」的根製成的yao,就能体验无上的性爱,却没人告诉他极致的性爱也将带来最恐怖的副作用 
  • 死亡之怒2015HD
    <h1 style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 15px; f>死亡之怒</h1>
  • 邪恶之家BD
    Set in the 1970s, House of Evil tells the story of a young couple who move into an old mansion in the Connecticut countryside to start a family. They soon discover that their new life is destined to be fraught with disaster as they fight against a dark, terrifying force in order to survive.