In a violent world, a peace-loving man is forced on a desperate journey to find life-saving drugs for his wife but to get them he must first help an ornery old man defend his cabin against nefarious forces.
Michelle takes a job recommended by her counselor that lands her trapped in a mansion with three psychotic siblings hell bent on purging Michelle of her sins.
Dave 失戀喪志,終日躲在姐姐家中避世,湊外甥以療情傷。一天,Dave陪外甥參加幼稚園的學校旅行,遇上美女教師Caroline,單身Dave立即出盡渾身解數冧女,誰知旅行搞手Teddy卻老是常出現做電燈膽。更令Dave始料不及的是附近一個軍事基地實驗失敗,殺出一班喪屍空群而出襲地球。Dave、Caroline和Teddy手無寸鐵,還要帶著一班幼稚園學生,他們必…