In a small Florida town, the inhabitants are mysteriously disappearing. A hard core biker arrives in search of his missing daughter. He learns that a malignant force from another dimension, a Souleater, is causing the disappearances. He teams up with a burned-out sheriff and a defrocked priest to battle the creature an…
圣杯是传说中可实现持有者一切愿望的宝物。而为了得到圣杯的仪式就被称为圣杯战争。 参加圣杯战争的7名由圣杯选出的魔术师被称为Master,与7名被称为Servant的使魔订定契约。他们是由圣杯选择的七位英灵,被分为七个职阶,以使魔的身份被召唤出来。能获得圣杯的只有一组,这7组人马各自为了成为最后的那一组而互相残杀。 …