搜索 Oman

  • z街区BD
    yle=color: rgb(48, 48, 48); f> 在一所隔离的大学里,一群学生必须联合起来,如果他们想要在致命的病毒感染爆发中生存下来
  • 在美国西海岸的中心城市,憧憬着HERO的少年Joey一边打工,一边和祖母二人快乐地生活。某天,Joey捡到了一个破烂机器人玩具并着手修理它,然后为它起名叫“HEROMAN”。之后的某天夜晚,一度强力的闪电击中了Joey家,机器人玩具被雷光包围,化身成一个拥有电击能力的巨大机器人“HEROMAN”。然后,迷之生命体也开始了对地球的侵略。
  • 亚当/AdanHD
    A naive provincial girl finds a way to get ahold of her independence through the help of her girl best friend. But their actions have nerve-shattering consequences.
  • 十亿HD
    yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> Influential banker Matvey Levin goes to great lengths to avoid sharing his wealth with his illegitimate children. But when he loses everything it transpires that only they can help him. To reinstate his wealt…
  • Desperate to get her family attention, an overworked mother, lie to them about her condition.
  • 贝拉行动2BD
    David Billa a refugee comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into crime. Initially he starts as a local diamond smuggler. He eventually meets Abbasi, an underworld don in Goa and helps him out in a deal and wins his favor. For one of Abbasi's deals Billa goes to Georgia where he meets a ruthless inter…
  • 鳏夫的探戈和其扭曲的镜像HD
    The story of a man whose wife has committed suicide and appears to him as a ghost, following him everywhere and changing his personality. Unfinished in 1967 and restored for a 2020 premiere.
  • 死亡终点站HD
    故事发生在1943年的柏林,纳粹对犹太人的屠杀已经接近了尾声。最后一批生活在德国的犹太人被赶上了开往集中营的火车,拥挤狭窄的车厢中没有任何食物,这最后的六百多名犹太人,他们的结局似乎只有两个——死在火车上,或是死在集中营里。 亨瑞(哥德昂·布克哈德 Gedeon Burkhard 饰)和他的太太露丝(西贝尔·凯基莉 Sibel Kekilli…
  • 搞什么飞机HD
    yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst nightmares come true when the passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode, causing the plane's controls to go haywire and elec…
  • 烽火孪生泪HD
    故事发生于1926年的德国,安娜(纳嘉·乌尔 Nadja Uhl 饰)和罗特(斯科拉·鲁特 Thekla Reuten 饰)是情同手足的姐妹,他们的父母在两人六岁时双双去世了,留下孤苦无依的两姐妹。叔叔收养了身体较为强健的安娜,体弱多病的罗特则被阿姨和姨丈带走了,自此两姐妹一个生活在德国一个生活在荷兰,再也没有见过面。 叔叔对待安娜非常的粗暴,安娜…