搜索 Ruslan

  • Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imprisoned, Maksim Shugalei continues to work trying to understand the logic of the global terrorism actions. Collected by …
  • 冲向天际HD
  • 1979 年,莫斯科奧運前夕,蘇聯邊陲的哈薩克小鎮出現了一位以女性為目標的連續殺人犯,還是個食人魔,嚴重影響國家形象。實習警探薛爾與從小相依為命的姊姊蒂娜同住,初出茅廬就遇上這等大案,姊姊擔心不已。豈料警方順利抓到食人魔,精神病院卻關不住他,逃亡在外的殺人犯再次喚起鎮民的恐懼。
  • 烈日阳光HD
    卢甘斯克地区,2014 年 5 月。Novozhilov 一家偶然发现自己身处卢甘斯克的各种事件之中。弗拉德·诺沃日洛夫(Vlad Novozhilov)曾是阿富汗战争的参与者。他知道什么是战争,在他那个时代已经看到了足够多的战争恐怖,原则上他甚至不想碰武器。在某种情况下,他只看到一条出路——离开这个国家。但是你不能逃避战争,边界已经关闭。为了拯救他的…
  • 两个小孩子围绕“白骑士的宝藏”这个故事传说在马戏团里寻找盗窃博物馆钥匙的小偷的故事。
  • World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, wh…