yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>Kate Williams (Amy Lindsay), the new "Love Coach" in town can heal the deepest wounds. She is a couple's counselor helping couples spice things up in their relationships. Ann (Cassie Young) is a client who needs help standing up to her lover Drake (Danny Pape) and up for herself,…
yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>When Tania visits hypno therapist Dr. Karin Clemmons for help with her sex life, she meets Justin who is undergoing similar therapy. Dr. Karin specializes in group session, and very soon all three find themselves divulging their deepest, darkest passions. In time, both women find themselve…
在古老的传说中,长有洁白羽翼的公主被禁锢在房间之中,希冀这外面的世界。某日,一位神秘的少年出现在了公主的面前,成为了公主唯一的朋友。透过少年之口,公主得以知道大千世界里发生的种种。然而,当公主和少年相爱之时,曾经的诅咒应验了。 神尾观铃(川上伦子 配音)自小体弱多病,孱弱的身体令她无法去学校上课,只能整日待在家中。然而,…