1989年12月6日,加拿大东南部港口城市蒙特利尔为白雪所覆盖,肃杀阴冷的气候仿佛预示着一场悲剧即将降临。面目清秀却布满阴翳的青年(马克西姆·戈德特 Maxim Gaudette 饰),驾驶汽车来到魁北克理工学院。校园内,青年男女自由交谈,畅想未来,殊不知死神的脚步正在迫近。青年拎着枪走入校园,他将愤恨的子弹射向那些所谓的女权主义者。白雪为…
The storyline of the television movie follows Ben as he makes the tough and somewhat contentious decision to break ranks with his fellow Plumber allies in order to help a friend in need. A mysterious girl in her own right, Elena, a childhood friend of Ben's, hints at an oncoming alien threat to the Earth. As such, Ben …