搜索 Zangenberg

  • 这是一个坦率而独特、充满争议和令人费解的故事愤世嫉俗的佩尔Per(拉斯 middot;米克尔森饰)是个60岁的老人,他不甘吃劳保,在一幢现代公寓做管理员。尽管他的腰背有伤脖颈僵硬,但每天他都把脏累苦的工作做得有条不紊 佩尔的心情一直不好,脸上毫无喜悦表情。他的妻子很早就离开了他,而在他看来,蹲监刚刚出狱的儿子卡斯滕Carsten(莱…
  • heartlesstvHeartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as to why they are this way and their search leads them to Ottmannsgaard, a boarding school with plenty of deep dark secrets…