India, 19th century: on the outskirts of a decrepit village called Tumbbad lives Vinayak, the stubborn, conniving bastard son of the village lord, obsessed with a mythical ancestral treasure. He suspects the secret lies with his great-grandmother, a cursed witch. Confronting her finally puts him face to face with the g…
Gandii Baat 6是一个崭新的赛季,准备再次以其崭新的面貌走向世界 有趣而悬念的情节。 Gandii Baat 6的新章节巧妙地揭开了有关谋杀谜团,恐怖片和精神病患者的故事。 因此,您准备亲眼目睹Gandii Baat第6季带来的令人毛骨悚然的曲折和迷人的故事情节吗?