陆瑾年和乔安好在初三的那一年,因为一场雨相识,两个人互生情愫,可是每次却都阴错阳差的错过。 晃眼过去八年,陆瑾年,终于在演艺圈里混的有了起色,准备在乔安好生日的那一晚去找她告白。又因误会而失败。 五年后,韩如初找了陆瑾年来扮演许嘉木,然后并放出和乔安好联姻的消息,企图以稳住家族企业,曾经互相暗恋的两个人,再次重逢,并开始…
Samson Shillitoe, a frustrated poet and a magnet for women, is behind in his alimony payments, and lives with Rhoda, a waitress who stands by him through all his troubles. Samson becomes belligerent when he cannot find the inspiration to finish his big poem so Rhoda tries to get him to see the psychiatrist Dr. West, wh…