Laura loses her family in a tragic fire while living in Spain. Just as she prepares to return home to the States, a member of the American embassy ?provides proof that it wasn't an accident. Laura ?decides to stay and uncover the truth about ?her family's death, a decision which soon places her own life in jeopardy as …
八国联军入京,朝廷出奔,举国局势一度混乱。黄飞鸿(赵文卓 饰)与父亲黄麒英(刘询 饰)、十四姨(王静莹 饰)、徒弟梁宽(莫少聪 饰)、鬼脚七(熊欣欣 饰)一行人南下番禹,欲与十三姨(关之琳 饰)、猪肉荣(郑则仕 饰)、牙擦苏(郭晋安 饰)汇合。师徒于路同担心海盗夺粮的南粤米仓发生误会,两帮人不打不相识,黄飞鸿助其将盗米贼扭送衙…