Six months after her life unraveled and dark secrets were revealed, Molly is confined to a psychiatric hospital when she learns of bizarre deaths that sound eerily similar to those she witnessed in space. When she escapes to investigate, she crosses paths with JD Richter, a determined cop who just signed on to the case…
萨尔曼(Scott Prendergast 饰)的哥哥诺亚应征奔赴伊拉克战场,其嫂子莱斯莉(Lisa Kudrow 饰)带着两个儿子为了生活疲于奔命。刚好失业的萨尔曼被嫂子叫到家中,帮忙照顾两个调皮的小家伙。不过为了多挣些钱贴补家用,萨尔曼不得不来到蓝色霓虹公司应聘传单分发员的工作。每天他必须套上闷热厚重的蓝色吉祥物人形,站在公路边向过往的车辆宣传…