Jolly LLB is a Bollywood courtroom comedy film written & directed by Subhash Kapoor. The film stars Arshad Warsi, Boman Irani and Amrita Rao in lead roles. The theatrical trailer was revealed on 8 January 2013.[2] The film released on 15 March 2013. The story follows a lawyer as he moves to Delhi and takes on a cas…
Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who is secretly hiding her separation from her husband as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40s in Los Angeles. She starts to side with and take advice more from her divorced friends rather than her married ones, and it leads her to some un…
好莱坞真人电影《大侦探皮卡丘》(暂译)讲述了蒂姆·古德曼(贾 斯 提·史密斯饰) 为寻找下落不明的父亲来到莱姆市,意外与父亲的前宝可梦搭档大侦探皮卡丘相遇,并惊讶地发现自己是唯一能听懂皮卡丘说话的人类,他们决定组队踏上揭开真相的刺激冒险之路。探案过程中他们邂逅了各式各样 的宝可梦,并意外发现了一个足以毁灭整个宝可梦宇宙的惊…