冷战时,全球两大特工组织——俄罗斯“中心”与英国“圆场”明争暗斗。特工遇害,高层震怒,责成“圆场”挖出“地鼠”。怀疑对象共有5人,即圆场上任“老总”命名的锅匠,裁缝,士兵,穷人,乞丐。其中,金盆洗手的“乞丐”乔治·史迈利(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)本来有重大嫌疑。某日,行动组-剥头皮组头目的彼得·吉勒姆(本尼迪克特·康…
Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. The lover, Valmont, bets that he can seduce her, even though she is an honorable woman. If he wins, he can have his lover to do as he will. However, in the process of seducing the married woman, Valmon…