Twenty-four years before winning an Academy Award for his affecting musical drama Departures, director Yojiro Takita took the helm for this quirky Pinku eiga about a veteran detective searching for a priceless pearl. The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track i…
<span style="f> 《寄性兽医·铃音》讲述的是在一旦被感染就会使人变得淫乱的寄生虫的滋生下,美女医生有薗铃音对其发起挑战的故事。看剧情简介就知本作融合SF和H于一身,貌似略带点电脑H-GAME味,再碰上手机这种即使在地铁里拿出也能确保隐私的方便平台,大大满足了怪叔叔们去到哪看到哪的愿望,获得如此人气自由有其道理。某…