In fabulous travels in time, back to the time of the samurai, young Hana, unhappy and tormented in the present days, can finally finding her place in the world. One day, she dreams of another young girl who lived in the past. Unexpectedly, the following day, she is taken by mysterious government agents. Who are convinc…
一转眼,纯须纯(松本真理香 饰)和武赖(池内博之 饰)结婚已经8年了,为了成为一名称职的妻子,纯在结婚后辞去了工作,在家安心做一名贤内助,可让她没有想到的是,现实的婚姻生活竟然和她期望中的如此不同,8年了,两人至今没有孩子,对于纯想要孩子的请求,丈夫也是一味的逃避躲闪。 无法再忍受现在的生活的纯决定重新回归职场,在离开了…