搜索 伊恩·基思

  • Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's daughter Leah Manning, stung by a scurrilous book about the case, enlists the aid of Charlie Chan and Number 3 Son. Addition…
  • 瑞典女王HD
    嘉宝在银幕上总是把人们的全部注意力吸引到自己身上来。  只要她一出现,别的角色便黯然失色。但谁都解不开这个谜,究竟为什么会这样呢?别的演员以及与她配戏的对手都极难与她媲美。即使故事内容平淡,只要有她出演,就能使索然无味的情节丰富充实,凭添光彩。她宛如一座峰顶插入云海的高山,有朝一日云开雾散,人们便能自由地眺望那白雪皑皑…