Ambitious Jana is confronted with the unscrupulous machinations of the world of finance. Her working life is determined by egotism, the pressure to succeed and machismo. She soon has to decide how far she is prepared to go for her career.
自金融世界在危机中几乎崩溃以来,已经过去了6个月。 更为严格的条件和监管,使得全球第三大银行——德意志全球投资银行(deutsche global invest)的业务极为困难。 她在全球投资公司的新老板 christelle leblanc (d sir e nosbusch)的董事会中的升迁目标,似乎每天都在一点点消失。 即使对于雄心勃勃的投资银行家 jana liekam (…