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  • 身后事HD
  • 身后事2020HD
  • 威士忌大盗HD
  • 战斗侦察HD
    We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to be?Set in the aftermath of the allied invasion of France …
  • 疯狂天才HD
    A young mad genius attempts to 'hack the human mind' in order to fix humanity.
  • 睡眠HD
    A grief stricken captain embarks on his final mission in command of an ageing cargo ship. The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with their lives in deep space try to complete a successful mission, but the ship has ideas of it's own. Soon, an 'accident' onboard forces a diversion to Somnus, a derelict asteroi…
  •   《安妮日记》以第二次世界大战为背景。真实地再现了安妮等8人在秘密小屋2年多的生活。安妮的日记不仅真实再现了秘密小屋里的人的日常生活,也揭露了德国纳粹党的罪恶,是指控他们残害犹太人罪行的见证。从自己的亲身感受中,安妮表达了自己对战争、对种族灭绝政策的怀疑与愤怒。电影以日记的方式来叙述事件,安妮给她的日记取名为吉蒂,并把…
  • 威士忌劫匪HD
    A tough guy turned star. He did something others wouldn't dare. Always one step ahead of the cops and always downed a whiskey before robbing a bank. Growing up in a broken home Attila (Bence Szalay) was a troubled teenager, even spent time in a youth pr
  • A young mad genius attempts to 'hack the human mind' in order to fix humanity.
  • Motti在苏黎世大学是一名优秀的学生,在他父亲的公司兼职,大胡子,穿着不起眼。在此之前,Motti Wolkenbruch总是很听他的犹太东正教母亲的话,但当他的母亲给他介绍很多年轻的女孩子并想让他结婚的时候,Motti偏离了传统的道路。他爱上了美丽的非犹太人劳拉。劳拉与他母亲介绍给他的那些女性完全不同,她是一个时尚且极具冒险精神的女孩子。因…