搜索 Mouchet

  • Lucas and Mathias, 8-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vosges forest, are the best of friends. One day, while driving his car, Lucas' father fatally collides with Mathias, who is cycling down the mountain. Sitting in the back of the car, Lucas watches helplessly as his father throws his friend's lifeless body into th…
  • 小镇一场足球赛上,年轻的守门员突然被倒塌的门柱砸中,送医不治。这场意外让镇长成为了众矢之的,而和死者在赛前闹别扭的亲密好友也陷入了自责和追寻真相的漩涡中。尽在不言的情感如藤蔓绵绵密密的铺展,覆盖盛夏悠长的时光......一部优美的作品,导演小心翼翼的维持着故事的波澜不兴。愤怒、愧疚、眷恋、欲望似乎都被压抑和包裹其间,只能从镜…
  • 戴高乐HD