搜索 Whittington

  •   关于宗教的故事——失业的天主教徒唱着“每颗精子都是神圣的”,把一屋四五十个孩子送去做医学实验,因为再也负担不起他们,而对门的新教夫妇一面幸灾乐祸,一面感叹自己“只性交两次,有两个孩子”;关于性的故事——教授在课堂上向学生讲解“性”是什么,但是学生总不得要领,无奈之下,教授把自己太太拉过来当堂向学生示范;关于死亡的故…
  • Carmen is everything you would want in a woman, sexy, classy, and loyal. Unfortunately being with her soon to be husband for 12 years who has cheated on her with a ton of women has caused her to go looking for love. She finds a man who treats her right and makes her feel like a woman, but it comes at a deadly cost. It'…